Thursday, June 19, 2014

Sidelined by a runny nose

Hard to say what's the toughest part of training for a marathon - but I can tell you for sure what's ONE of the toughest things:


for the last few days I've bad a head cold, really just a running nose and slight cough. But it's been enough to sideline me for most of this week.  After work, and taking care of the kids and house it's just left me exhausted. 

And while I could push through it, with t
the rainy weather we've had I'm afraid this slight cold would get worse and then I'd REALLY be sick. 

So while my nose has been running, I have not. 

I have however felt good about keeping up with my physical therapy exercises for my left knee. This little extra rest may be good for my recovery as well. But I do want to get back to running soon. 

It still seems weird to me though that I was able to run outside during the polar vortex of the Midwest in -20 degree temps and not get sick, but now when it's nice I get a cold. A friend told me it was bedside the cold germs couldn't survive in the freezing temps. I guess that's how tough runners are :-)

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