Monday, June 30, 2014

Week 4 Recap

Things are going well overall towards my goal of running the NYC marathon and raising at least $6,000.  4 weeks in and the bar keeps climbing - but I want to make it to the TOP!

My knee which had been bothering me for the last couple of months is feeling great - yeah I'll say great.  Is there still a little something?  Sure.  But after some of my tougher runs this week my knee is not the part slowing me down.  My lack of conditioning is.

So I managed to get out for 3 runs this week, hopefully I can get it up to 4 runs a week soon, and I had a cross training day where I played ultimate frisbee.  For the first two runs of the week I ran about 5 miles each time.  The first run was in the rain, and I got soaked.  I ran 1/4 mile intervals as fast as I could with a 1/4 mile rest in between.  The next run was a "Tempo" run where I tried to run hard but steady for 3 miles.  I'm working on trying to get some of my speed back.  My weekend long run I wanted to get 90 minutes of running in, which I did, but I was hoping for 10 miles and I came up short at 8 miles.  It was so hot, I just couldn't must up the speed.  Gotta keep working at it.

125 days till the marathon!!

Another great week!  I made it up over the $1,000 mark with some very generous support form everyone.  In fact, I'm currently 48th in fundraising for Team DetermiNation for the NYC marathon thanks to you all!

As I've said before, this is the first time I've ever run for a charity and might be my only time.  So I really want to make as big a difference as possible!

I mentioned that I played ultimate this weekend, one of the other players there was a woman I hadn't seen for a while.  She was another endurance athlete, in fact I think she's done triathlons, possibly a half iron-man or more! She hadn't played for a while thou so I hadn't seen her.  I figured she was training or just busy.  Turns out she was getting treatment for breast cancer!  In her 30s!!  She told me she found the lump herself, so thanks to the ACS and other organizations to promote awareness.

One of the donations I got this week was from a friend who lost their father at a very young age, as well as one of her uncles.  It makes me sad to think of all the people who are affected by this disease.  Two years ago, I wouldn't have felt the same was as I do today.  I'm embarrassed by that, but I suppose it's part of human nature.  Today, after seeing what Brenda went through and hearing more stories from people...yeah cancer has to be stopped.

It reminded me again of why I chose to support the American Cancer Society, for all the good things they do for not just breast cancer but for all types of cancer.  Click on the link below to donate and (as the ACS says) help bring more birthdays to everyone! 


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